8 helms on Howth 17 Footers were each fitted with GPS armbands and TackTracker licences provided by Slow Train IT Solutions which enabled tracking their movements as they competed in the Lambay Races.
The data obtained is displayed below. However, I suggest that you click on the Fullscreen button on the bottom right of the display to view it at screen size.
Increase the speed to say 64x - its at the bottom left of the display.
Hold down the left mouse button to drag and Rotate the middle mouse wheel to zoom.
The 'T' mark is the Tailor Buoy with Lambay below it.
Detailed explanation and training videos are on the TackTracker website www.tacktracker.com/web/. However, the toolbars & panels shown in the 10 minute training video are for a PC stand-alone display, whereas what we have here is the Online display version - provided by Slow Train IT Solutions.
Brian Turvey is evaluating TackTracker as a facility for wider user in our racing and John Deane is looking at aspects of the web display on our website.
Its early days yet, but our initial reaction is that it could be ideally suited to race tracking, from dinghies to cruisers and we can integrate it with our site.