Prizes presented by Roger Cagney, Vice-Commodore HYC
All IRC & Scratch Classes |
Lambay Lady - Special Award
Klipbok - E Dalton - HYC (Emmet Dalton & Chris Howard)
IRC - Mercedes Benz IOR Cup & ECHO Cup
Rosie - Roy & Vera Dickson - HYC (Joss Walsh & Fred Connolly)
IRC - Juno Cup
Joker 2 - J Maybury - RIYC (John Maybury)
IRC (First HYC boat) - Longyearbyn Trophy
Equinox - R McDonald - HYC (Ross McDonald)
IRC - Heineken Trophy
Toughnut - D Skehan - HYC (Ciaran Corrigan)
IRC - Peninsula Trophy
Supernova - Lawless & Others - RIYC (Jamie, Daniel & Eric Lawless)
ECHO - Lambay Trophy
Supernova - Lawless & Others - RIYC (Jamie, Daniel & Eric Lawless)
Scratch - Whelan Cup
Extremity - P D'Alton - RStGYC (Paul D'Alton)
ECHO - BJ Marine Trophy
Polly - B Grey (Ian Bruce-Smith)
ECHO - Bamford Trophy
Changeling - K Jameson - HYC (Pat Kenny)
IRC Non Spinny - Fitzpatrick Salver
Changeling - K Jameson - HYC (Kieran Jameson)
Scratch - BP/Teeling Trophy
Mojo - Callen & Stanley - HYC (Rob Stanley)
H'Cap - John Pearson Cup
Ile Molene - Byrne & Stanley - HYC (Peter Byrne & Roger Stanley)
Scratch - Horst Cup
Klipbok - E Dalton - HYC (Emmet Dalton)
H'Cap - Findlater Cup
Rechaun - C Kellett - HYC (Ciara Kellett)
Scratch - Boyd Cup No 4
Oona - P Courtney - HYC (Peter Courtney)
H'Cap - Sutton Cup
Pauline - O'Doherty & Ryan - HYC (Shane O'Doherty, Owen & Oscar Ryan)
Scratch - Romaine Cagney Trophy
Crop Duster - O'Grady / Reilly - HYC (Ella Cagney, Paul & baby Hugh Reilly, Dillon O'Grady)
Scratch - The Summit Inn Trophy
Sharkbait - Duncan & Moran - HYC (Ben Duncan)
Scratch - IECA Trophy
Octupusse - P O'Neill - CY&BC (Patrick O'Neill)
The Lambay Races Silverware