24th February 2011 |
HYC Members and friends visit the old Midleton Distillery |
Report & Photos by Pat Murphy

23 Members of Howth Yacht Club and friends successfully negotiated the arduous passage to the Jameson Distillery in Midleton, Cork
On Thursday 24th February 23 members of Howth Yacht Club and friends, mainly from the Howth and Malahide areas, converged on Hueston Station to board the 0900 hour train to Ireland's second City on the banks of the famous River Lee. From there we continued on the recently re-opened rail line to Midleton.
Two members of the party have not yet reached that magical age of 66 and therefore had to make a monetary donation to the running of the Irish Rail system. A suggestion to make a collection to help offset their expense was totally rejected.
So what is the big attraction in Midleton you might ask? - The Old Midleton Distillery of course.
One of our party with connections in Irish Rail met some of his former work colleagues, resulting in us receiving special treatment, especially on the return journey (some of us needing it more than others).
On arrival in Midleton, where another member of the party had influence, we were shuttled to our destination in a fleet of taxis.
An audio-visual presentation followed by a guided tour of the old distillery was most informative and enjoyable.
However throughout the journey down and the tour all thoughts were concentrated on the final act of the WHISKEY TASTING EXAM. This onerous examination proved too difficult for five who failed miserably in identifying the Jameson against the Scotch and Bourbon. We then arranged for them to take the exam a second time and I am glad to report that all five passed. Some say they purposably failed just to get more whiskey, but who am I to say that.
All 23 received their certificates as Qualified Irish Whiskey Tasters.
After an excellent meal and copious amount of wine, we were ferried back to the station and thus began our return journey after an excellent "BOYS OUTING"...
Did we miss our other halves? OF COURSE WE DID!

Coopers at work

Bringing the harvest to the Distillery

Days long forgotten

Checking out the different brands

An excellent meal was had by all. Note the waterjug

Jimmy Stanley winnerof the best dressed (Nobody came anywhere near his imaculate attire)