Cruiser Cook-In
2nd February 2005
The Winners : Barry & Brian O'Loughlin
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Fred Connolly wins HYC Christmas Snooker Series
2nd March 2005
Peter Culleton, (Referee) Ronny Dalglish, Fred Connolly and Rear Commodore, Bryan Lynch
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Shirley Robertson outlines her past Olympic campaigns
16th March 2005
Shirley Robertson & Commodore Frank Hughes
B&G Seminar on instruments and navigation software
30th March 2005
John Malone from Provident Technology and Nat Ives from B&G
Sail Talk by Des McWilliam
9th March 2005
Des McWilliam
Dublin Tenors visit HYC
4th March 2005
The Dublin Tenors in full song
Bill O'Hara outlines the new Racing Rules
23rd March 2005
Bill O'Hara - standing left
Jimmy Harrington Retires
28th April 2005
Commodore Frank Hughes presented Jimmy Harrington with a cheque on behalf of the club
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HYC Launching Supper
22nd April 2005
Pat Connolly, Joe Nolan and Crews enjoying the evening
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HYC Members Family Day
11th September 2005
(L-R) Gerry Sargent, Ross Niven, Tom Stanley, David Niven and
HYC Vice-Commodore Gerry O'Neill taking a well earned rest after completing the preparations for the day.
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