28th January 2011 |
The annual prize giving dinner of the Cruising Group took place on 28th January. A record 128 members and friends enjoyed an excellent meal and a most convivial evening followed when no doubt some tentative plans for the coming season were discussed.
Joe Phelan of Lydia was awarded the Jim Menton Trophy for The Best Log (adjudicated by Cyril Geran, last years winner). Pat Murphy received the Donald Skehan Memorial Trophy in recognition of his outstanding contribution to sailing (adjudicated by Berchmans Gannon, last years recipient).
Dara Lowry received the Ken Moles Gauntlet Challenge Trophy on behalf of the 'Arcturus 2 Team' as winners of Gary McGuire's Table Quiz which also took place on the night.
New members to the Cruising Group are always welcome.
Sean McCormack
Cruising Group Captain
Prizes presented by Commodore, Roger Cagney |
Photos by Conor Lindsay

Gerry Sargeant (on behalf of Joe Phelan / Lydia) accepts the Jim Menton Trophy for The Best Log

Pat Murphy receives the Donald Skehan Memorial Trophy for his outstanding contribution to sailing

Olivia Murphy presents the Ken Moles Trophy to Dara Lowry from the 'Arcturus 2 Team' who won the Table Quiz

Commodore Roger Cagney introduces his wife Dianne

Sean McCormack the Crusing Group Class Captain

Cyril Geran adjudicated on The Best Log

Berchmans Gannon adjudicated on the Donald Skeehan Memorial Trophy

Gary McGuire running the Table Quiz

John Macken celebrated his 70th birthday

At the Class Captain's table