7th November 2008 |
Prizes presented by Gerry O'Neill, Commodore HYC
Series 1 IRC - 1st - Old Spice Trophy
Starlet - O'Kelly & Others

Fergus O'Kelly
Series 1 HPH - 1st - AGB Trophy 1
Gunsmoke - Smyth & Dillon

Peter Smyth
Series 1 HPH - 2nd
Alliance - V Gaffney

Vincent Gaffney
Series 1 HPH - 3rd
Hellyhunter - L McMurtry

Lionel McMurtry
Series 1 HPH - 4th
Turtle - R Hogg

Robert Hogg
Series 2 IRC - 1st - AIB Trophy
Checkmate - J Faller

John Faller
Series 2 IRC - 2nd
Starlet - O'Kelly & Others

Fergus O'Kelly
Series 2 HPH - 1st - Fellenus Cup
Hellyhunter - L McMurtry

Lionel McMurtry
Series 2 HPH - 2nd
Maverick - P & B O'Neill

Brian O'Neill
Series 2 HPH - 4th
Sunchaser - M Marr

Michael Marr
Series 3 IRC - 1st - Smyth Trophy
Alliance - V Gaffney

Vincent Gaffney
Series 3 IRC - 2nd
Checkmate - J Faller

Ken Caulfield
Series 3 HPH - 1st - AGB Trophy 2
Midnight Sun - Howard & Others

Suzanne Barry & Jacqueline Howard
Series 3 HPH - 2nd
Hellyhunter - L McMurtry

Lionel McMurtry
Series 3 HPH - 3rd
Turtle - R Hogg

Robert Hogg
September Mini IRC - 1st
Alliance - V Gaffney

Suzanne Carroll
3 Special Races IRC - 1st - Fitzgerald Cup
Checkmate - J Faller

John Faller
3 Special Races HPH - 1st - Bridge Trophy
Hellyhunter - L McMurtry

Annette Aungier

At the Prize Giving

Class Captain - Joe Nolan

Hellyhunter - Lionel McMurtry Table

Joanne Hogg, Vince Gaffney & Suzanne Carroll

Gunsmoke - The Smyth's & Dillon's

Starlet - Fergus O'Kelly's Table

The O'Carrolls

The Marr's