Conal O'Leary & Cyril Geran visit Annalong on Xi'an
  Author: Conal O'Leary      Posted on: 19/7/07

In May 2007 Conal O'Leary and Cyril Geran sailed Xi'an, a 'Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 40', from Howth to Annalong.

Its a trip of 44 nautical miles from Howth and a very pleasant day sail.

Click for Area Map

The harbour can be difficult to see until quite close in.

However, prominent town buildings give good guidance until close enough to identify the outer harbour wall. There are plenty of pot markers in the vicinity of the harbour so care is required.

A pair of transit marks fixed on the harbour wall show a safe approach and it is best to follow the transit until close to the outer wall.

As you pass the end of the outer wall with it on your port side it is recommended that you stay quite close to the wall until approaching the entrance to inner harbour which will also be to port.

The entrance to the inner harbour is quite narrow and to make the turn into the inner harbour you can move a little to starboard before commencing the sharp port hand turn to enter.

The entrance is protected by a surge flap (photo below) which is raised when winds are strong from E to SE direction, otherwise is lowered.

However the gate does not lie completely flat due to silting.

As a result the flap can be an obstruction which needs to be avoided.

From discussions I had with the Harbour Master, Mr. Kenny Gibson, half tide should give plenty of clearance to a yacht drawing 2 meters.

Once inside continue the turn to port and the pontoon is now visible ahead on the southern wall.

The inner harbour is dredged to a depth of 2 meters so once inside there is plenty of water.

The berth is sheltered and quiet. The charge for one night was �15.

We had a very friendly welcome from the HM and a very enjoyable meal at the Harbour Bar about fifty meters away.

Shore power is available on the pontoon and keys are available from the HM for wash rooms located in the nearby visitors centre.

Again on departure it's advisable to wait until after half tide before leaving and it is very important to judge the exit to stay as close as you can to the wall which will now be on your starboard side.

A perch to mark the rocks to the north of the entrance is planned but not yet in position.

The Harbour Masters mobile number is +44 773952 7036. He suggests using his mobile for contact as VHF is not always monitored.

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