Capt. Raja Maitra, Harbour Master, Betty Wall, Chairperson of Boat for Hope, Doreen Smyth, Chief Barker of Variety, Cian O'Callaghan, Mayor of Fingal, Breda Dillon, Vice-Commodore HYC
Photo: Pat Murphy
'Variety', the childrens' charity, hosted a reception in Howth Yacht Club on Thursday 25th October to thank the boat owners and helpers for ensuring that the "Boat for Hope" day in July 2012 was another outstanding and emotional success. The first such day was held in 2010.
Over 60 "special needs children" their parents, siblings and carers, a total of almost 300, were taken afloat by members of local sailing clubs where they experienced the joys of sailing while suitable attired as "PIRATES".