Saturday, 21st June 2008

by David Cullen

A big thank you to all who came to the Ball to make such a terrific night possible.

The great news is that we raised Euro Symbol11,830 for the RNLI which is a fantastic result.

The yacht club and catering staff did a fantastic job and Ger Mahony deserves all the praise for organising everything.

I would again like to thank our sponsors as follows :

Howth Yacht Club
Euro Car Parks
Sunworld Holidays
Gresham Hotels
Lenno Earley Crotty
Team PR Reilly
King Sitric
Signs Now
Ivans Restaurant
Poolbeg Press
Roger Cagney
Roganstown Country Club
Pier 7 RestaurantTerry Giles

Two more thank yous..

Nicky Potterton for auctioning his prize of the TV which generated a further Euro Symbol1,650 and Dave Murnane for taking all the photos. If you want copies, please email me at [email protected]

Guess this will have to become an annual event!
